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Several diseases affect the eye, either directly or as part of a system-wide problem leading causes for weak vision or blindness
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eye diseases and disorders

Several diseases affect the eye, either directly or as part of a system-wide problem leading causes for weak vision or blindness of these diseases:
-Blepharitis — inflammation of eyelids and eyelashes; characterized by white flaky skin near the eyelashes
-exophthalmos it is shown that if your eye comes out that it will shrink because the optic fluids drain out
-Conjunctivitis — inflammation of the conjunctiva
-Keratitis — inflammation of the cornea
-Iritis — inflammation of the iris
-Uveitis — inflammatory process involving the interior of the eye; Sympathetic ophthalmia is a subset.
-Cataract — the lens becomes opaque
-Retinal detachment — the retina detaches from the choroid, leading to blurred and distorted vision
-Macular degeneration — loss of central vision, due to macular degeneration
-Glaucoma — optic neuropathy
-Esotropia — the tendency for eyes to become cross-eyed
-Exotropia — the tendency for eyes to look outward
-Myopia (Nearsightedness) — distant objects appear blurred
-Astigmatism — the cornea or the lens of the eye is not perfectly spherical, resulting in different focal points in different planes
-Amblyopia (lazy eye) — poor or blurry vision due to either no transmission or poor transmission of the visual image to the brain
-Color blindness — the inability to perceive differences between some or all colours that other people can distinguish
-Red eye — conjunctiva appears red typically due to illness or injury
-Blindness — the brain does not receive optical information, through various causes

Patients seeking additional information about these and other such common eye diseases here you can find all about eye conditions, eye injuries and related eye health topics.
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Created: 8 years 8 months ago by : Dr.Diab
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