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Infectious diseases portal, learn how to fight the every-body possible infections such as flu, herpes simplex, etc,..
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Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases portal, learn how to fight the every-body possible infections such as flu, herpes simplex, etc,..
are you having children? learn how to fight Smallpox, chicken pox, jaundice, Measles, parotitis, and many other viral or bacterial infections
Share your case now to get the professional help from doctors and from other people having similar cases

Created: 8 years 8 months ago by : Dr.Diab
Sudden sore throat, diarrhea, cough and red watery eyes.

Sudden sore throat accompanied by colds, runny nose, sneezing, cough and pink watery eyes started a couple of days ago. However, yesterday my condition got worse, and i started to suffer of dry cough, shortness of breath and diarrhea, two weeks ago i visited an orphanage as a volunteer and played with kids. Any advice?

Created: 7 years 2 months ago by : Guest
re:Sudden sore throat, diarrhea, cough and red watery eyes.

Hi there,

I suspect you have a viral infection (looks like adenovirus infection), nothing to worry about, as in most cases the infection resolves on itself within 3-7 days; however, i recommend you to warm yourself up, have enough rest and drink plenty of fluids.Don't forget to eat foods rich in vitamin C.

Recommended lab tests for you to help make a diagnosis:

  1. CBC
  2. Body temperature
  3. Stool analysis
  4. Urine analysis
  5. Chest x-ray

When you obtain the lab results, please submit a ticket and upload the results to "" for further evaluation.

Created: 7 years 2 months ago by : Admin
An abrupt onset of cough and choking (cyanosis)

I had an abrupt onset of cough with cyanosis a month ago, since then i developed a persistent cough, I am 20 years old male.

I am confused and looking for advice? Robert.

Created: 7 years 2 months ago by : Guest
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