Shigellosis Overview

Shigellosis Overview:

Nature of the Disease:

  • Definition: Shigellosis is an intestinal infectious disease primarily caused by bacteria belonging to the genus Shigella.
  • Clinical Features: Characterized by the hallmark symptoms of bloody diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps.

Onset and Progression:

  • Incubation Period: Following contamination, the symptoms typically manifest a day or two post-exposure.
  • Disease Course: In the majority of cases, Shigellosis exhibits a self-limiting nature, with resolution occurring within 5 to 7 days.

Clinical Manifestations:

1. Bloody Diarrhea:

Description: Prominent manifestation characterized by the presence of blood in stools, indicative of inflammatory changes in the intestines.

Pathophysiology: The invasion of Shigella bacteria leads to mucosal damage, contributing to the observed bloody diarrhea.

2. Fever:

Clinical Significance: Patients commonly experience an elevation in body temperature, reflecting the systemic response to the infection.

Immunological Response: Fever is a manifestation of the body’s immune system mobilizing to combat the invading Shigella bacteria.

3. Stomach Cramps:

Location: Abdominal discomfort is localized to the stomach region, often presenting as cramps.

Etiology: Resulting from the inflammatory response in the intestinal mucosa, leading to spasmodic contractions.


  • Spontaneous Recovery: In the majority of cases, Shigellosis undergoes spontaneous resolution within the mentioned timeframe.
  • Duration of Symptoms: The disease course typically spans 5 to 7 days, during which symptomatic relief is observed.

Verified by: Dr.Diab (February 3, 2024)

Citation: Dr.Diab. (February 3, 2024). Shigellosis Overview. Medcoi Journal of Medicine, 3(2). urn:medcoi:article32197.

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