Orthodox treatment for acne

Orthodox treatment for acne, melasma and freckles (cream)

Medicinal Cream for incurable acne, freckles and melasma


  • Ground Fish Bone Powder (cuttlefish, tuna, or plaice): 15 grams (10-15%)
  • Glycerin: 10 milliliters (5-10%)
  • Sweet Almond Oil: 10 milliliters (5-10%)
  • Zinc Oxide ointment: 10 milliliters (10-15%)
  • Vaseline or Plant-Based Alternative (such as shea butter or cocoa butter): 100 milliliters (70-75%)


1. Grind fish bones (cuttlefish, tuna, or plaice) into a fine powder using a high-speed blender, food processor, mortar and pestle, or dedicated spice grinder. In the absence of electric tools, a hammer can be used as an alternative method.

2. Soak the ground fish bone powder in lemon juice for a period of twenty-four to thirty-three hours to form a paste-like consistency (Infused fish bone paste).

Infused fish bone paste: a mixture created by soaking ground fish bone powder in lemon juice for a period of time, resulting in a paste-like consistency. This infusion process enhances the extraction of beneficial compounds from the fish bones, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the medicinal cream formulation.

3. In a clean and dry mixing bowl, combine the infused fish bone paste, glycerin, sweet almond oil, and zinc oxide.

4. Gradually add the Vaseline or plant-based alternative while mixing continuously until a smooth and homogeneous cream is formed.

Brand Name: DermaclearTM

Description: DermaclearTM is a specialized medicinal cream formulated to address incurable acne, freckles, and melasma. Its unique composition includes natural ingredients known for their skin-healing properties, providing gentle yet effective treatment for various dermatological concerns.

Active Compounds:

  1. Ground Fish Bone (10%): Provides essential minerals and nutrients for skin regeneration and repair.
  2. Glycerinum (5-10%): Acts as a humectant, attracting moisture to the skin and maintaining hydration.
  3. Sweet Almond Oil (5-10%): Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, soothes and nourishes the skin, promoting a healthy complexion.
  4. Zinc Oxide (10-15%): Exhibits anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, helps reduce acne and pigmentation.

Instructions for Use:

  1. Patch Testing: Before applying the cream to the face, perform a patch test to check for any adverse reactions. Apply a small amount of the cream to the inner forearm or behind the ear, and rub it smoothly into the skin. Allow it to dry completely and observe the area for any signs of irritation, redness, rash, or discomfort. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use immediately.
  2. Cleanse your face thoroughly with a gentle cleanser and pat dry.
  3. Apply a small amount of the cream to the affected areas of the face using gentle, circular motions.
  4. Use twice daily, in the morning and evening, for optimal results.
  5. Continue use until desired improvement is achieved.
  6. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. If contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water.
  7. Store the cream in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

This modified formula incorporates natural ingredients known for their skincare benefits while providing instructions for patch testing to ensure safety and minimize the risk of adverse reactions. Additionally, the use of plant-based alternatives for Vaseline offers a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option for individuals seeking natural skincare solutions.

Action: DermaclearTM works synergistically to combat acne, freckles, and melasma by:

  • Providing essential nutrients and minerals to support skin regeneration and repair.
  • Moisturizing the skin to prevent dryness and irritation.
  • Soothing inflammation and reducing redness associated with acne.
  • Lightening pigmented areas and promoting a more even skin tone.


  • Suitable for individuals with acne-prone, pigmented, or blemished skin.
  • Recommended for those seeking natural, non-invasive treatment options for dermatological concerns.
  • Ideal for use as part of a daily skincare routine to maintain healthy, radiant skin.


  • DermaclearTM is formulated as a topical cream for external use only.
  • Upon application, the active compounds are absorbed into the skin, exerting their therapeutic effects locally.
  • Continuous use of DermaclearTM enhances its efficacy over time, leading to gradual improvement in skin condition.

Contraindications/Side Effects:

  • Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Discontinue use if irritation or allergic reaction occurs.
  • Not recommended for individuals with known allergies to any of the ingredients listed.
  • Consult a dermatologist before use if you have sensitive or compromised skin conditions.

Soaking the ground fish bone powder in lemon juice for a day or two can initiate several processes:

  1. Acidification: Lemon juice is acidic due to its high citric acid content. When the fish bone powder is soaked in lemon juice, the acidic environment can help break down the bone material, making it easier to extract minerals and other components.
  2. Chemical Reactions: The acidic environment of the lemon juice can facilitate chemical reactions with the minerals present in the fish bone powder. This may lead to the dissolution of certain minerals, making them more bioavailable.
  3. Extraction: The acidic nature of lemon juice can act as a solvent, extracting compounds from the fish bone powder. This extraction process may yield a solution containing dissolved minerals, proteins, and other organic compounds from the bones.
  4. Softening: Prolonged soaking in lemon juice may also soften the bone material, leading to the formation of a paste-like consistency. The acidic environment can break down the collagen matrix in the bones, resulting in a softer texture.

Soaking ground fish bone powder in lemon juice can enhance the extraction of minerals and other beneficial compounds from the bones, potentially yielding a solution or paste with increased bioavailability and efficacy in skincare formulations.

The formula for the medicinal cream appears to be a traditional approach that incorporates natural ingredients with potential skin-healing properties. Here’s a breakdown of its evaluation:

  1. Natural Ingredients: The formula includes natural ingredients such as ground fish bones, glycerinum, sweet almond oil, and zinc oxide, which are known for their potential benefits for the skin. These ingredients may offer moisturizing, soothing, and anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for treating acne, freckles, and melasma.
  2. Potential Effectiveness: While there is limited scientific evidence specifically supporting the efficacy of this particular formula, some of its individual ingredients have been studied for their skincare benefits. For example, zinc oxide is commonly used in skincare products for its sun-protective and anti-inflammatory properties. However, the effectiveness of the formula as a whole would depend on various factors, including the concentration of active compounds and individual skin sensitivities.
  3. Alternative Ingredients: Depending on specific skin concerns and preferences, alternative ingredients could be considered. For example, other natural oils such as jojoba oil, tea tree oil, or rosehip oil are known for their skincare benefits and could be included in the formula. Additionally, botanical extracts rich in antioxidants, such as green tea extract or licorice extract, could provide added skin-rejuvenating effects.
  4. Safety and Allergies: It’s important to consider potential allergies or sensitivities to any of the ingredients, especially when using natural substances. Patch testing and consultation with a dermatologist may be advisable, particularly for individuals with sensitive skin or known allergies.
  5. Scientific Evidence: While traditional remedies often have anecdotal evidence supporting their use, scientific studies validating the efficacy of this specific formula may be limited. Further research and clinical trials would be needed to confirm its effectiveness and safety for widespread use.

While the formula appears to be rooted in traditional knowledge and may offer potential benefits for skincare, it’s essential to approach it with caution and consider individual skin needs and sensitivities. Experimentation with alternative ingredients and consultation with skincare professionals can help tailor the formula to optimize its effectiveness and safety.


كريم للنمش والكلف وحب الشباب المستعصي

يدق كمية من عظم سمك الصبيدج, التونة او سمك موسى بشكل ناعم بودرة ثم ينقع بقليل من عصير ماء الليمون الحامض ويترك مدة تتراوح بين اربعة وعشرين ساعة وثلاثة وثلاثين ساعة ثم يمزج بكمية من الفازلين بالنسب التالية
عشرة في المائة من عظم السمك المطحون
خمسة الى عشرة بالمائة من الجليسيرين
خمسة الى عشرة بالمائة من زيت اللوز الحلو (يمكن تحضيرها بالمنزل عبر سحق اللوز وتصفيته بشاشة
عشرة الى خمسة عشرة بالمائة من اكسيد الزنك

وتخلط المكونات المذكورة اعلاه مع مئة الى مئة وخمسين غرام من الفازلين

كيفية الاستعمال

يغسل الوجه جيدا بماء ساخنة جدا من مغلي النخالة ثم ينشف الوجه جيدا ويدهن الوجه بهذا الكريم مرتين باليوم صباحا ومساء ويداوم عليه فانه علاج مجرب ورائع والنتيجة ساحرة

Orthodox treatment for acne, melasma and freckles (cream)

Verified by: Dr.Diab (March 28, 2024)

Citation: Dr.Diab. (March 28, 2024). Orthodox Treatment for Acne, Freckles and Melasma. Medcoi Journal of Medicine, 4(2). urn:medcoi:article18220.

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