How To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odor Naturally At Home?

How To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odor Naturally At Home?

Genital malodour in women occurs when anything upsets the balance of microflora in the vagina, symptoms are usually caused by overgrowth of one variety of microorganisms. Common symptoms include burning, itching, pain, discharge, and odor.

What are the infectious causes of genital malodour in women?

Infectious causes of genital malodour in women include: Bacterial vaginosis, candidal vulvovaginitis (thrush), E-coli infection, and trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection.

Bacterial vaginosis is the leading cause of genital malodour in women

What are the noninfectious causes of genital malodour in women?

Noninfectious causes of genital malodour (strong vaginal odor) in women include: not washing your vagina regularly with warm water and soap (poor hygiene), a retained tampon (a forgotten tampon), and bromhidrosis or offensive body odor due to excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), which is commonly associated with obesity or diabetes.

What are the causes of vaginal infections?

In most cases, vaginal infections are caused by direct contact, indirect contact or hormonal changes, especially during pregnancy, or menopause.

What is the difference between direct and indirect contact transmission

What is direct contact transmission

Direct contact transmission means that pathogens are passed from one person to another when there is direct physical contact between a pathogen carrier and a healthy person. Alternatively, indirect contact transmission means that pathogens are passed when there is no direct human to human contact. Common pathogens include bacteria, certain types of viruses, parasites, and fungi.

What are the most common causes of bacterial vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) commonly occurs when there is a shift in vaginal flora due to a vaginal infection. However, this can also be caused by an imbalance of naturally occurring bacterial flora, especially in immunocompromised patients. Main risk factors for bacterial vaginosis include poor perineal hygiene, malnutrition, IUD usage, multiple sexual partners, STDs, hormonal shifts during pregnancy, hormonal changes during menopause, overuse of antibiotics, stress, and smoking. Other risk factors for bacterial vaginosis include certain soaps, obesity, chronic illness, clothing, and improper diet.

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a very common polymicrobial vaginal infection; however, in most cases, BV is usually caused by Gardnerella vaginalis infection of the urogenital tract. Without prompt treatment, BV often leads to vaginitis.

About 25% of pregnant women experience bacterial vaginosis (BV) during their pregnancy. If left untreated, BV can lead to preterm labor. BV is associated with having vaginal sex.

In 30% of all cases, vaginitis is caused by candidiasis due to Candida albicans infection (90% of all cases).

How to get rid of vaginal odor fast overnight and naturally?

Follow these steps to get rid of vaginal odor fast overnight and naturally

1- Maintaining good perineal hygiene (good vaginal hygiene), good perineal hygiene is necessary, wash the vaginal area with water and soap at least once a day using your normal bathing routines (wash vaginal area wiping front to back), especially after sex, and after going to toilet.

Thoroughly clean the bathtub, rinse with clean water and wipe again and then fill your bathtub with warm water, then add 200ml of apple cider vinegar.

how to fill your bathtub with warm water

Sit in your bathtub for at least 10 minutes, insert a finger inside your vagina to let some of the water into it, afterwards wash the vagina with soap and water and dry it properly

How to Get Rid of bad vaginal odor

2- Always wear clean underwear, washed and boiled as necessary.

3- Refrain from sex if you have vaginal infection, sexual abstinence until cure is achieved.

Refrain from having unprotected sex

4- Refrain from having unnatural sex, you should not have vaginal sex after anal sex without changing condoms or cleaning the male’s penis. shifting from anal or oral sex to vaginal sex without changing condoms can cause vaginal infection. Refrain from watching pornographic materials.

5- Drink three 8 ounce cups of sage tea (salvia, salvia officinalis, Шалфей, قصعين ) each day. Preferably at least 30 minutes before eating. You can drink it hot or warm. One 8 ounce cup = 236 ml

6- Drink two 8 ounce cups of Rosemary tea each day, drink one cup in the morning 30 minutes before taking your breakfast, and one cup in the evening 20 min before going to bed.

7- Adding allium vegetables, such as onions and garlic to your diet to strengthen the immune system.

8- Adding Fiber rich foods to your diet to strengthen the work of the digestive tract.

9- Adding Probiotic foods and drinks that are super healthy to you diet, to maintain a healthy microbiota and to give gut bacteria a boost, as probiotics aid digestion and help repopulate intestinal bacteria. common probiotic foods and drinks include yogurt, sour cream, kefir, kimchi (fermented vegetables with probiotic lactic acid bacteria), miso paste (made from fermented soybeans), kombucha (fermented sugar-tea beverage), tempeh (fermented soybean), fermented sauerkraut, and pickles that have been pickled in salty water and fermented.

Drink two cups of yogurt or kefir (450 grams) per day to enhance your digestion, reduce intestinal problems, improve your overall health and fill your protein and calcium requirements.

Can we fight vaginal bad smell naturally?

Yes, in 99% of cases, we can fight vaginal odor naturally; however, not rarely vaginal odor occurs in patients who have underlying pathology and/or frequent infections that require prompt medical treatment.


Can we fight vaginal bad smell naturally

Verified by: Dr.Diab (December 28, 2017)

Citation: Dr.Diab. (December 28, 2017). How To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odor Naturally At Home?. Medcoi Journal of Medicine, 4(2). urn:medcoi:article3358.

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