Endometriosis Symptoms Causes and Treatments


Endometriosis Symptoms Causes and Treatments

Endometriosis is a nonmalignant gynecological pathology characterized by endometrial hyperplasia (endometrial thickness) and overgrowth of endometrial implants outside of the uterus in the peritoneal cavity or serosal surface of abdominal organs. Endometrial hyperplasia is an abnormal proliferation of the inner layer of the uterine cavity (the endometrium).

Where does endometriosis occur?

Endometriosis commonly affects the ovaries, posterior cul-de-sac, posterior broad ligament and uterosacral ligaments. Less common sites include the serosal surfaces of the small and large intestines (bowel), vagina, ureters, bladder, surgical scars, pleura, and pericardium.


What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

When symptoms are present, they may include:

  • Mild to severe chronic abdominal pain, deep backache affecting the lower third of back starting a week before menses and lasting few days thereafter is highly characteristic to this disorder.
  • Irregular menstruations, delayed menses, and prolonged menstruations.
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding with large clots (endometrial tissue) is characteristic.
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Weakness and dizziness before periods is common
  • Bad appetite
  • Dyspareunia


What are the causes of pelvic pain?

Pain results from direct activation of pain nerve fibers in the peritoneal surface.

What is the main cause of endometriosis?

The cause of endometriosis is unknown. However, common disorders leading to endometriosis include:

  • A functional abnormality in the uterus
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • A genetic predisposition to endometriosis



How to treat endometriosis?

Hormone therapy is used to treat the main symptoms of endometriosis (pelvic pain).

A combination of estrogen-progestin oral contraceptives is often prescribed, drugs such as ethinyl estradiol 30-35 mg and medroxyprogesterone 20-30 mg /day per OS (orally) for 4-6 months are gold standards.

Alternative treatment

Pregnancy is the best natural method to ease endometriosis, as it usually regulates the hormone responsible for endometriosis and stops the overgrowth of endometrial tissue.


Next steps management

Clinical interview and obtaining the disease history

Functional testing includes

  • Ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis, CT and MRI are also used.
  • IV urography and barium enema are also used.

Obtaining a biopsy for cytological evaluation

  • Endoscopy of the pelvis with biopsy
  • Biopsy via laparotomy, cystoscopy or sigmoidoscopy.

Verified by: Dr.Diab (August 12, 2017)

Citation: Dr.Diab. (August 12, 2017). Endometriosis Symptoms Causes and Treatments. Medcoi Journal of Medicine, 6(2). urn:medcoi:article15704.

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