How to cure ringworm fast at home?

How to cure ringworm fast at home

How to cure ringworm fast at home?

19 scientifically proven ways to cure ringworm fast at home

1- Use OTC topical antifungal medications for two to four weeks to eliminate all of the fungus, like miconazole (Micatin, Monistat, Cruex), clotrimazole (Lotrimin, Mycelex, Desenex), terbinafine (Lamisil), butenafine hydrochloride (Butenafine), and tolnaftate (Tinactin, Odor Eaters, Dermitop, Tanacidal, Tinaderm).

2- Wash clothes, towels and bedding daily, wash clothes in hot water with fungicidal soap, wear dry undergarments and change your underwear (in the case of groin infection) and socks (in the case of foot infection) daily. Avoid sharing towels, clothing or other personal items with others and avoid excessive sweating

3- Use an antifungal shampoo that contain ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione or selenium sulfide. Common Antifungal Shampoos include: Nizoral (ketoconazole) 2% Shampoo, Selsun Blue, Neutrogena® T/Gel® Therapeutic Original Shampoo, Head and Shoulders Clinical Strength Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis Shampoo with 1% selenium sulfide

4- Wash the affected areas of the skin daily with warm water and soap, allow the lather or foam to remain on the skin for a few minutes, then wash off with warm water and dry thoroughly. After cleaning the skin, mix a few drops of pure tea tree oil with a teaspoon of witch hazel (astringent) and apply the mixture to affected areas of the skin using a piece of cotton, repeat twice a day. Alternatively, apply a topical antifungal medication to the affected area, repeat 2 to 3 times per day or apply a few drops of the bleach solution to affected areas of the skin using a piece of cotton, repeat twice a day

5- Take an oral antifungal, like Diflucan (fluconazole), Lamisil (terbinafine), and SPORANOX® (itraconazole)

6- Take a prescription antifungal, like Spectazole (econazole nitrate) and Oxistat® (oxiconazole nitrate).

7- Don’t cover the affected areas of the skin

8- Try probiotics

9- Take 1000 milligrams of vitamin C a day, to help strengthen your immune system

10- Apply caprylic acid topically to your skin (to the affected area), three times a day. Alternatively, you can take caprylic acid orally. Caprylic acid is a fatty acid found in coconut oil, it possesses antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. For optimal results, take 1000 mg of caprylic acid orally, three times a day, preferably 30 minutes before every meal

11- Apply a small amount of apple cider vinegar topically to the affected skin three times daily, as it is loaded with natural acids and probiotics, put three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) in a small bowl, dip a cotton ball into the apple cider vinegar saturating it completely, using this cotton ball, gently dab the affected area three times a day until the ringworm infection clears up. If you have sensitive skin, dilute ACV with water, add three tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar to an equal amount of water, dip a cotton ball into this solution and apply it to the affected area three to four times a day until the ringworm infection clears up. Alternatively, apply neem oil topically to the affected area, three times daily to treat and prevent ringworm

12- Drink 3 cups of rosemary tea a day for the treatment of ringworm

13- Apply colloidal silver topically to skin, wash the affected area with olive oil based soap and lukewarm water, use a clean towel to dry your skin, then spray on some colloidal silver and let it dry, do this three times a day until the yeast infection goes away

14- Oregano essential oil, dilute oregano essential oil with a carrier oil (olive, coconut or almond oil), add one teaspoon of oregano essential oil to an equal amount of coconut or olive oil, apply a drop or two tops of this mixture topically to the affected area three times a day. Alternatively, combine three drops of oregano essential oil and two drops of tea tree oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil, apply this mixture to the affected area two to three times per day

15- Tea tree oil, apply two drops of pure tea tree essential oil to the ringworm area a couple of times per day. Alternatively, combine a teaspoon of pure tea tree essential oil with an equal amount of an antifungal carrier oil like coconut oil, and apply two tops of this mixture topically to the affected area three times a day.

16- Myrrh essential oil, combine a couple of drops of myrrh essential oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil, apply two drops of this mixture to the affected area a couple of times per day

17- Grapefruit seed extract, combine two drops of grapefruit seed extract with one tablespoon of water, apply two drops of this mixture to the affected area three times per day

18- Stay away from anyone who is infected with ringworm, and stay away from animals infected with ringworm, including cats, dogs, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, birds, rodents and rabbits

19- Keep shared spaces clean

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Verified by: Dr.Diab (February 13, 2018)

Citation: Dr.Diab. (February 13, 2018). How to cure ringworm fast at home?. Medcoi Journal of Medicine, 3(2). urn:medcoi:article19967.

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