How To Lose Weight In One Month At Home Naturally?

How to lose weight in one month at home naturally?

Weight loss generally occurs when the body consumes more calories than it takes in. On average, a healthy body burns 1500 calories a day at rest (basal metabolic rate, BMR)

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is 1550 kcal/24 h (6.488 MJ/24 h) for obese people

[ps2id id=’What-are-lipids-made-of’ target=’What are lipids made of and what do they do?’/]

What are lipids made of and what do they do?

Lipids are a group of substances or nutrients including fats (cholesterol, triglycerides), phospholipids, cerebrosides, waxes, etc. that with carbohydrates and proteins constitute the main structural components of living cells, in the body fats bind to lipoproteins as macromolecular complexes so that they can circulate freely in plasma, major lipoproteins include VLDL (very low density lipoproteins), LDL (low density lipoproteins), and HDL (high density lipoproteins); Chylomicrons, the largest lipoproteins, carry exogenous triglyceride from the intestine via the thoracic duct to the venous system until they reach the capillaries of adipose and muscle tissue where about 90% of chylomicron triglycerides are removed by a specific group of lipases, fatty acids and glycerol produced enter the adipocytes and muscle cells for energy use or storage. The remnant chylomicron particles are removed in the liver from where VLDL transports endogenous triglyceride back to the same peripheral sites (adipocytes and muscle cells).

What is the role of lipids in the body?

Lipids play vital roles in your body, from providing energy to hormone synthesis. without lipids, you wouldn’t be able to digest and absorb the essential nutrients from your foods properly. In proper amounts, lipids are a healthy part of your diet and are required for your body to function properly. However, overeating fats can lead to weight gain and obesity

How do we convert fat to energy?[ps2id id=’fat-to-energy’ target=’fat to energy’/]

When you don’t get enough carbs, blood sugar level drops below the range of 70 mg/dl or 4 mmol/l , leading to hypoglycemia. Your body then starts converting stored fat into ketones for energy, causing ketosis

[ps2id id=’What-is-glucose’ target=’What is glucose’/]

What is glucose and where does it come from?

What does the body use glucose for?

Glucose is an active monosaccharide sugar obtained in the body as a supplement or as a result of digesting carbohydrates or sugars (disaccharides and polysaccharides), the percentage of blood glucose is regulated by insulin, a pancreatic hormone essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, by facilitating the uptake of glucose into tissue and promoting its conversion into glycogen, fatty acids and triglycerides. It is considered the 1st and fastest source for energy. If the amount of glucose consumed is too high it is transformed into glycogen and is stored in adipose tissue.

What elements are found in glucose?

In one single glucose molecule (C6H12O6), there are six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms, and six oxygen atoms

How do we get energy from glucose?[ps2id id=’energy-from-glucose’ target=’energy from glucose’/]

In the small intestines, glucose is formed by the breakdown of carbohydrates. Glucose is then absorbed into the bloodstream through the villi by active transport. Once in the bloodstream, glucose and oxygen are taken up into cells during aerobic metabolism. During cellular respiration the mitochondria uses the oxygen to burn the glucose into heat energy and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is then used to store or release the energy depending on the cell’s needs.

Where is glucose released from and what is glycogen used for?[ps2id id=’glycogen-to-energy’ target=’glycogen to energy’/]

When blood sugar is low, the islet cells within the pancreas release glucagon, a hormone, This stimulates hepatic cells to turn glycogen back into glucose (glycogenolysis) which can then be released into the blood and the blood sugar levels will then rise. Alternatively, In the fasted state, the liver forms glucose from noncarbohydrates (gluconeogenesis, GNG).

What is gluconeogenesis?

Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathway used to maintain blood glucose levels in which glucose is formed from breakdown of glucogenic amino acids, from breakdown of triglycerides and glycerol.

When blood sugar is high, the pancreas releases insulin, a hormone, this stimulates glycolysis and lipogenesis.

Where is glucose stored in the body?[ps2id id=’What-is-glycogen’ target=’What is glycogen’/]

What is glycogen and what does it do?

When the cells have sufficient supplies of ATP, the liver cells will try to convert a variety of excess molecules into glycogen (Glycogenesis).

Excess glucose is converted into glycogen, a polysaccharide of glucose, in response to insulin, in the liver. Glycogen is mainly stored in the liver and the muscles. When blood glucose levels decrease, glycogen is broken down into glucose in response to glucagon, thus it provides the body with a readily available source of energy.

What is the endocrine system responsible for?[ps2id id=’Hormones’ target=’Hormones’/]

The endocrine system consists of glands and tissues that secrete hormones into the bloodstream via tissue fluid; Hormones are chemical  substances that deliver signals to target cells triggering and affecting the behavior of these glands or tissues. Hormones influence the metabolism of cells, the growth and development of body parts, and homeostasis

what is the endocrine system

What is the endocrine system made up of?

The human endocrine system is made up of glands that produce and secrete hormones into the bloodstream. The major glands include the: hypothalamus, hypophysis(pituitary gland), thyroid, parathyroids, adrenal glands, pancreas, pineal body, the ovaries and testes (reproductive glands).

What triggers the release of endocrine hormones?

The endocrine system is triggered by two types of stimuli:

  1. Conditional stimuli: provoked by circumstances that are intact with us, such as natural stimulus (food)
  2. Artificial stimuli, such as light, bomb, gun, etc., the conditioned reflexes may be associated with any drive, and in this case, conditioned reflexes are strengthened with repetition ex. if you train animals to get food while showing them a bright light or a light beam, you stimulate them to eat in response to light. Eventually, animals will get stimulated to food in response to light alone (the light alone provokes the response)

The normal endocrine system is self regulated by internal homeostasis, under normal body regulation:

endocrine system regulation

What is the human body made of?[ps2id id=’Body-composition’ target=’Body composition’/]

Body composition

Lipids (15-30%), carbohydrates (5%), minerals (5.5-6%) and proteins (14-18%) constitute the main structural components of human cells, while plasmatic liquids mainly composed of water make up about 70% of the human weight.

What is the human body made of

In a human of average weight (70 kg or 154 lbs male and 55 kg or 121 lbs female), fat makes up about 15% ♂ – 27% ♀ of total body weight, muscle about 35% ♀ – 45% ♂ and skeleton about 12% ♀ – 15% ♂. The remaining body weight is made up of a long list of ingredients, this includes blood plasma, organs, connective tissue, tendons, hair, etc.

What is the human body weight made up of?

what is the human body weight made up of

The human body weight is mainly made up of six elements: oxygen (65%), carbon (18%), hydrogen (10%), nitrogen (3%), calcium, and phosphorus. Only about 1% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, and magnesium. All eleven elements are vital for life.

In an average person, water accounts for about 70% of the total body weight. Body fat and bones are nearly 50% water. Whereas, muscles are nearly 75% water, 20% protein, and 5% minerals and other matter.

Characteristics of fatty tissue[ps2id id=’fatty-tissue’ target=’fatty tissue’/]

Chronic fat deposition, or fat deposited for a period longer than a year is twice as hard to remove and get rid off in comparison to newly formed fat depots, or fat deposited for a period ranging between 3-9 months and not more

healthy vs unhealthy fat deposits in skin


Why is it important to monitor weight?

  1. Essential for disease prophylaxis
  2. Describe the patient’s physiologic status
  3. Facilitates and ease quality of life

Why to lose weight?[ps2id id=’Why-to-lose-weight’ target=’Why to lose weight’/]

According to the american heart association (AHA), healthy women should have a total cholesterol level less than 200 milligrams per deciliter, and at least 35 milligrams per deciliter of good cholesterol. The total cholesterol level ranges between 200 and 239 milligrams per deciliter. A level that is more than 240 mg/dl is considered to be a high level.

Weight Loss recommendation

According to Body mass index categories, a normal weight ranges between 18.5–24.9 BMI and less. Research has shown a direct correlation between high weight and high blood pressure. In some cases, weight loss lead to a drop in blood pressure, even before reaching the ideal weight. A Demonstrated project proved that a slight reduction in weight (a 5% drop in weight) can lower your (systolic and diastolic) blood pressure.[3]

What is the body mass index

What is the body mass index (bmi)?

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on the weight and height of an individual. The BMI is universally expressed in units of kg/m2

What is the bmi formula?

what is the bmi formula

What are the BMI categories?

Different BMI categories include:

[table id=2 /]

How many types of fat deposition are there?[ps2id id=’types-of-fat-deposition’ target=’types of fat deposition’/]

There are two body fat deposition types:[ps2id id=’Gynoid’ target=’Gynoid’/]

What is Gynoid fat distribution?

Gynoid fat distribution pattern (female pattern of body fat distribution) is characterized by pear-shaped body or central body obesity and moon face, fat build up around the hips, thighs, buttocks (bottom or butt), armpits and breasts.[ps2id id=’Android’ target=’Android’/]



What is android fat distribution?

Android fat distribution (male patterns of body fat distribution or android obesity) is characterized by apple-shaped body or central obesity, fat build up in the abdomen, around the trunk and upper body, especially in areas such as the chest, shoulders and the base of the neck (nape of the neck). Obese men may present with or without pseudogynecomastia (fatty breasts). In most cases, pseudogynecomastia is usually bilateral; however, rarely, patients may present with unilateral or asymmetrical findings.

What are the two types of fat storage in the body?

There are two main types of fat storage in the body:

  1. Subcutaneous fat, body fat that is stored beneath the skin – it makes about 80% of all body fat
  2. Visceral fat, body fat that is stored within the abdominal cavity and is therefore stored surrounding internal organs such as the liver, pancreas and intestines. Having too much visceral fat is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes[ps2id id=’How-to-Lose-Visceral-Fat’ target=’How to Lose Visceral Fat’/]

How to Lose Visceral Fat and what is the best way to lose visceral fat?

Reduce the amount of trans fat in your diet

Avoid drinking too much alcohol especially beers

Do cardio and resistance training on the same day

Do high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts for at least 20 minutes

Engage in a healthy lifestyle, such as doing strength training and anaerobic exercise in the early morning, to increase growth hormone and testosterone levels and to improve your hormone profile

Control your blood cortisol levels and take the right supplements

Maintain good sleep hygiene, this includes maintaining a regular sleep routine, avoiding naps, not watching tv or reading in bed, not staying in bed awake for more than 10-15min, avoid drinking caffeinated drinks especially in the night, avoid taking drugs or substances that interfere with sleep, having a comfortable bed and exercising regularly to reduce stress

Catabolic reactions [ps2id id=’Catabolic-reactions’ target=’Catabolic reactions’/]

What is meant by catabolic reactions?

Catabolic reactions are cellular metabolic reactions that take place in our bodies to produce energy and power.

What are the major types of catabolic reactions?

Three major catabolic reactions affect the building of fats in our bodies. The three major catabolic reactions involve:

  1. Breaking fat to energy
  2. Breaking glycogen to energy
  3. Burning glucose to energy

Glucose and Glycogen

Warm-ups consume enormous amounts of blood glucose, resulting in low blood glucose, when blood glucose level is low, the pancreas secretes glucagon. Glucagon acts opposite to insulin;

How does glucagon regulate blood sugar levels?

Therefore, glucagon brings the blood glucose level closer to normal by breaking down fat from adipose tissue, triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids in a process called lipolysis, in the liver glycogen is broken down into glucose, glucose enters the blood to be consumed for energy.

Classification of fatty tissue in the body

  1. Fat depots
  2. Fatty layer in the skin (adipose tissue)
  3. Fat building in the arteries and internal organs

Weight Loss Utilizing Various Techniques

Innervation and muscle tonus

Beginner training – 15 minutes of warm up routine to prepare your entire body for a workout, 15 minutes of fixations to activate the genetically weakened innervations in specific parts of the upper or lower body

A. Training for Innervation: upper body strength training exercises to connect the voluntary muscles of the upper body (pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, dorsal muscles, trapezius, deltoid, etc.) to the peripheral nervous system

B. Training for Innervation: lower body strength training exercises to connect the voluntary muscles of the lower body to the peripheral nervous system

How to strengthen the muscles of the upper body?[ps2id id=’strength-training’ target=’strength training’/]

Training for Innervation: upper body strength training exercises without weights

Innervations booster of the upper body

Image 01

Standing up straight on the ground (Image 01, step 1), slide your right hand up your back as far as you are able (Image 01, steps 2-5), and stay in this position.

Slide your hand up your back as far as you are able

Raise the other hand up (your left hand), Put the palm on the back of your head (Image 01, step 6), Slide your hand down your back as far as you are able and gradually pull your hands towards each other (bring the hands towards each other) so that to lock hands (Image 01, step 7-8).

Slide your hand down your back as far as you are able

Lock hands and try to pull them apart, and stay in this position for 40 seconds (Image 01, step 9). Alternatively, if you cannot lock hands, pull your hands as close as possible to each other and hold the position for 40 seconds (Image 01, step 9)

how to lock your hands together

While holding your hands in position (Image 01, step 9), contract or attempt to contract your pectoral muscles (breast muscles, pectoralis major) to activate your pecs, contracting your pecs can help your breasts to appear firmer and slightly lifted. Contract your right pec and hold the position for 3 seconds, and then relax your right pec and wait for 1 second before repeating this process again (i.e. contracting and relaxing your right pec), contract and relax your right pec for 10 consecutive times (Image 01, step 10)

Finally release your hands and then wait 15-20 seconds after releasing your hands before switching sides and starting the entire process again i.e. switch sides and repeat the process (Image 01, steps 1-10).

Repeat the entire process four to five times.[4]

Image 01

  • (Image 01, step 7) Starter mode, you cannot bring the hands towards each other
  • (Image 01, step 8) Intermediate mode, you can bring the hands towards each other, but not enough to lock hands
  • (Image 01, step 9) Expert mode, you can lock hands easily

If you cannot bring the hands towards each other, there is no need to worry about it, keep trying, two weeks and your innervations will be activated to these muscles

How to strengthen the muscles of the lower body?

Training for Innervation: lower body strength training exercises without weights

Walk up the stairs until about the tenth floor, without stopping, take a minute rest once you have reached the tenth floor, and then walk down the stairs toward the first floor and proceed with the training. Climbing stairs is one of the best ways to warm up your muscles before pretty much every single workout. Repeat this physical exercise three times per week to start your weight loss journey. Over the course of two months of training, aim to increase the number of stairs you climb in a single workout.[4]

Try these four listed movements (in the picture above), to empower the innervations of your lower limbs, preferably repeat this set of exercises at least once per week, repeat each exercise 10 times, for five sets at a time.

Innervation and muscle tonus

Intermediate training – 10 minutes warm-up (look physical training) followed by 20 minutes of intermediate training every day.

i.Command Training your voluntary muscles –train your voluntary muscles by performing specific training methods to control their movements and to bring your voluntary muscles under your command will, conditioned reflexes are strengthened with repetition

Training for Innervation: strength training upper body workouts

Image 02

If you fail to contract your pec muscles (pectoralis major), there’s no need to worry, keep trying, two weeks and your innervations will be activated to these muscles

Lean forward and slightly bend both knees, while maintaining a straight or flat back (Image 02, step 1)

Extend your arms so they are straight (Image 02, step 2). Lift your hands straight up to chest level while squeezing your shoulder blades together as you lift your hands and hold the position for 3 seconds (Image 02, step 3). Keeping your elbows pointing upward. Be sure to keep your back flat (i.e. without arching your back).

While in position (3), contract or attempt to contract your pecs (pectoralis major), and hold the position for 1 seconds, and then relax your pectoral muscles and take a deep breath.

Slowly relax your arms back down to the starting position and repeat the process. Repeat the entire process 15-50 times.

Innervation and muscle tonus

Expertise training – 4 days a week, 10-15 minutes a day are more than enough to build muscle and lose fat. At this level, a separate warm up is not necessary to minimize the risk of injury due to exercise.

A. Fat burning workouts no equipment, burn calories and fats anywhere, anytime, anyplace, you will be able to perform a wide range of exercises at your desk to make your skeletal muscles strong and to train them to move at your command

B. Sculpting Workout, warm up for 20 minutes, and then do range of motion exercises to burn fats, warming up should be the first thing on the to-do list, as exercising raises the body’s temperature on its own and increases muscle glycogen oxidation and reduces whole-body fat oxidation. Results are magical.

C. Cardio exercises in place, control your voluntary muscles to warm up and use the effects of heat to burn fat and make sure your organs are being properly perfused.

Training for Innervation: strength training upper body workouts

Burn fats without sweating, control and move your breast muscles a few minutes per day to stretch your pectoral muscles and burn fats while you are sitting!!

How to overhead press to lose weight?

The standing overhead press without dumbbells exercise can be done bilaterally, meaning both arms together. The hands start at shoulder level with your palms facing forward.

Image 03

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, raise your hands to head height with your elbows at a 90 degree angle (Image 03, step 3). This will be your starting position.

Pull yourself upwards and press both arms overhead, bringing the hands together until they almost touch overhead (Image 03, step 1). Take a deep breath and stay in this position for 20 seconds and then slowly return your hands to the starting position (Image 03, step 3).

While in position (3) contract or attempt to contract your pectoral muscles (pectoralis major) to activate your pecs, and hold the position for 2 seconds, and then relax your pecs and take a deep breath. Repeat the entire process 20-50 times. [4]

Unlike other common exercises, the standing overhead press targets a wide range of muscles, this includes the deltoids, triceps, traps, upper chest, and your core muscles that stabilize your trunk as you pull yourself upwards.

Training for Innervation: strength training upper body workouts

Image 04

Lean forward and slightly bend both knees, while maintaining a 90-degree angle between legs and upper body (Image 04, step 1). Keep your back flat

Keep your hands together, just like in the picture (Image 04, step 1), and keep your hands in this position

Pull your hands down bringing the hands together until they almost touch (bring your arms together in front of you), draw your elbows together, (Image 04, step 2) Keep your back straight.

While in position (2) contract or attempt to contract your pecs, and hold the position for 2-5 seconds, and then relax your pecs. Then, take a deep breath and go back to the starting position. Repeat 50 times.[4]

How to sculpt and lift breasts without weights?

While sitting at your desk, contract or attempt to contract your pectoral muscles, contact and relax both your pecs at the same time for a few minutes. After doing this contract-relax contract-relax few times, you can then exercise each pec alone, try to stay in the pose to strengthen your pecs. Contract your left pec and hold the position for 2-5 seconds, and then relax left pec and wait for 1 second before repeating this process again, repeat 10 times and then switch sides and repeat the process to train your right pec. Train twice per day, four to five days a week

Physical training and muscle working

Physical training and muscle working (muscle and skin stretching)

How to warm up before exercise?

Depending on your mood, you can choose any of the exercises listed below and use it as a warm up before exercise:

  1. 10-15 minutes of aerobics
  2. 10-15 minutes of setups
  3. 10-15 minutes of pushups

 Easy Setups to warm up before workout

10 minute warm up to prepare your entire body for any workout

 Easy training to warm up before workout

Perform a 10-15 minute warm-up, as it is essential to preventing injury no matter what type of routine you do, repeat for 20 times per set, 10 sets on each side.

Physiological and Endocrine Reactions [ps2id id=’factors-weight-loss’ target=’factors contributing to weight loss’/]

Endocrine glands release hormones in response to one or more of the following stimuli: endocrine hormones from other glands, the levels of some chemicals in blood, and neural stimuli in response to stress

What is the fight or flight response and what happens to the body during a fight or flight response?[ps2id id=’stress’ target=’stress’/]

Why do people lose weight when stressed?

The fight-or-flight response (hyperarousal, or the acute stress response) is a physiological reaction that occurs during intense stress or fear.

During The fight-or-flight response, the sympathetic nervous system signals the endocrine glans to release hormones that cause changes to occur throughout the body. This includes increased secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine by the adrenal medulla, increased secretion of cortisol by the adrenal cortex, and increased secretion of glucagon by the islet cells of the pancreas.

What factors contribute to weight loss?

Many factors can trigger physiological and endocrine reactions and many of these factors can cause weight loss. Factors contributing to weight loss include:

  1. The emotional and mental status
  2. Stress and stressors
  3. Anxiety
  4. Smoking
  5. Alcohol
  6. Changes in metabolism
  7. Medications or other treatments
  8. Hormonal changes
  9. Disease processes and disease related dietary changes
  10. Treatment-related dietary changes

How to lose weight fast in a month or less?

  1. Smoking a water-pipe (if you are a smoker)
  2. Avoid drinking beer
  3. Engaging activities to boost adrenaline and/or norepinephrine
  4. Boosting testosterone levels
  5. Controlling estrogen levels
  6. Using bodybuilding supplements and hormones, such as TSH, thyroxine
  7. Using heat to reduce fat
  8. Stress and stressors contribute to slimming

Smoking Water-pipes [ps2id id=’smoking-a-water-pipe’ target=’smoking a water-pipe’/]


How water-pipe smoking can help you lose weight?

Smoking a water-pipe or narjile, smoking results in the relaxation of smooth muscles in the stomach and intestinal walls and stimulates the gastric cells to release gastric secretions and enzymes that speed up the passage of waste through the digestive tract

Faster digestion can reduce nutrient absorption, thereby reducing the absorption of fat, protein, and vitamins, in the small intestine. Malabsorption can make you feel hungry, or tired, water pipe smokers get tired, hungry, and unfocused more easily, such persons are more fatigued and less energized than usual. In water pipe smokers, glucagon is released more frequently in response to hormone stimulus. Smoke a water pipe and you’ll start breaking down your fat deposits for energy

Stop drinking beer [ps2id id=’alcohol-reduction’ target=’alcohol reduction’/]


Avoid drinking beer or any other brewed alcoholic drink known to include a notable amount of estrogen, mixing estrogen with alcohol will speed the process of building body fats in the feminine type i.e. on the buttocks, butt, armpits and breast; The ideal consumption of Alcohol: up to one meal per day for women and up to two servings for men (one meal is equivalent to: 330 ml beer; 0.14 l wine; 0.40 l alcoholic drink)

Engaging activities to boost adrenaline [ps2id id=’adrenaline’ target=’adrenaline’/]


What activities are best for losing weight and how to boost adrenaline naturally?

Enjoy activities that can keep you thrilled to bounce your adrenaline and noradrenalin levels, such activities can help improve blood circulation, maintain a balance between anabolic and catabolic reactions, and speed up metabolism to lose weight by increasing your metabolic rate at which you burn calories and lose weight.

Scoring sports, such as football, soccer, basketball, etc., or activities, such as using social networks (facebook, twitter, vk, etc.) and engaging in instant message chats or when you engage with content by liking, sharing or commenting, increase life satisfaction and can greatly help not just reduce the feeling of stress but improve stress hormone levels and thus can also benefit mental health, such activities affect the way the endocrine system works by enhancing moderate-intensity pleasures, such as gladness, enthusiasm, fun, attraction, ebullience, kick, elation, sparkle, and high-intensity pleasures, such as euphoria, ecstasy, thrill, rapture, bliss, etc.

Boosting testosterone levels [ps2id id=’testosterone’ target=’testosterone’/]

What is the best time of day to have sex and how to increase testosterone levels naturally?

How to lose 2kg per week?


To boost testosterone and adrenaline (epinephrine) levels, have a cup of yogurt or kefir before going to bed, eating yogurt before sleep may help you lose weight effortlessly. Moreover, individuals are encouraged to engage in morning sex, as having sex at 5.48am in the morning can make you feel happier and healthier. Morning Sex makes you feel more loved and more connected with your partner due to oxytocin, a key hormone released during sex. Repeat this routine (i.e. eating a cup of yogurt before going to bed, and having sex at 5.48am in the morning) three or four times a week.

With this regimen you can expect to lose anywhere between 0.5-2 kg (1-4.5 lbs) of fat per week


Boosting thyroxine levels [ps2id id=’thyroxine’ target=’thyroxine’/]

How to live a longer life and how to naturally increase thyroid levels?

How to lose 2kg per month?

After having early morning sex, individuals are encouraged to stand up, stretch, and take an outdoor walk for 15-20 minutes, as taking an outdoor walk as has been found to lift spirits (feeling down? get some fresh air). Fresh air, breeze, regular physical activity and sunshine, can help reduce your risk for several disorders and health conditions and improve your overall quality of life. Taking an outdoor winter walk will help you to burn more fat and calories because your body will work harder to stay warm. Repeat this routine (i.e. having sex at 5.48am in the morning and taking an outdoor winter walk) four or five times a week.

With this regimen you can lose up to 2 kg (4.5 pounds) per month

Controlling estrogen levels [ps2id id=’estrogen’ target=’estrogen’/]

Low estrogen levels can lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol levels (low density lipoproteins), cholesterol and triglycerides leading to an increased risk of atherosclerosis, obesity, ischemic heart disease (IHD) and coronary heart disease. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help fight atherosclerosis by promoting high density lipoproteins (HDL) and lowering low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) levels, whereas abnormally high estrogen levels typically increase fat intake, which promotes the storage of fat (gynoid fat distribution pattern, fat building on the belly, buttock, armpits and breast). Moreover, depression, nervousness and irritability are common in women with hypoestrogenism (low estrogen levels). This can be explained by the modulatory role of estrogen on several neurotransmitter systems. Estrogen enhances the synthesis of serotonin, decreases monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity, increases serotonergic postsynaptic responsivity, and enhances serotonergic transport and uptake. Thus, estrogen is a serotonergic agonist that that plays an important role in mood regulation

Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant vitamin indispensable for its beneficial properties. It boosts and strengthens the immune system, neutralizes free radicals in the body, reduces inflammation, and plays a decisive role in reducing the risk of diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and heart diseases, consuming big amounts of ascorbic acid or vitamin C explosively stimulates the production of estrogen, which in turn stimulates growth of the endometrium or the inner lining of the uterus. High dose of vitamin C reduces the intensity of uterine contractions (vaginal contractions) by regulating the hormones and prostaglandins that increase during a girl’s period. However, vitamin C decreases how quickly the body gets rid of estrogens. Taking vitamin C supplements might increase your estrogen levels, and thus you should not use vitamin C supplements along with birth control pills (oral contraceptives) and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that contain estrogen if you wish to lose weight or if you have high estrogen levels

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can also improve progesterone levels as much as 77%, it also helps the body absorb iron and maintain healthy tissue. Moreover, vitamin C works with folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin B12 to help the body utilize and digest proteins, this includes muscle protein synthesis and breakdown during and after exercise. Folic acid plays a vital role during pregnancy, as it helps to regulate the formation of embryonic and fetal nerve cells, which is important for normal development. Moreover, it plays an important role in the production of red blood cells (RBC)

Controlling estrogen levels


The recommended daily dose of vitamin C to control estrogen levels, induce periods, and to reduce cancer risk is 90 mg for men, 75 mg for women. The recommended daily dose of vitamin C during pregnancy is 85 mg. popular vitamin C supplements include Dextro Energy, Calcivita, Lypo-Spheric ™ Vitamin C, ester-c® plus vitamin c, Centrum® Vitamin C, Ci-Cal D® 800, sodium ascorbate, ascorbic acid with bioflavonoids, etc.

Women who smoke cigarettes should take an additional 30 mg/day.

Three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruits are recommended daily. This should provide more than 250 mg of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Lime or mango are excellent sources of vitamin c. [ps2id id=’parsley-tea’ target=’parsley tea’/]


What are the health benefits of parsley tea?

Parsley tea is an excellent source of vitamin c, it is highly recommended to increase estrogen levels naturally, drink parsley tea to induce menstrual periods, in normal quantities, parsley tea has no side effects. In addition, parsley tea is an ideal choice to regulate bowel movements, which helps you lose weight faster. Drink four cups of parsley tea daily, preferably 30 minutes before meals.

How to make fresh parsley tea for weight loss?

Boil a liter (1 quart) of water, once boiled add one large bunch of parsley, turn fire down to low and continue to heat for 5 minutes, after that cover the pot, let it stand, away from the fire, let the water brew, or steep for five minutes. Strain and drink at least three cups throughout the day. The tea should preferably be taken without sugar, especially when you’re trying to lose weight. Moreover, it is recommended to drink parsley tea on empty stomach

The recommended daily dose of parsley tea to induce menstrual cycle and lose weight is 1000 ml (33.8 fl oz) equivalent to four cups (4 x 236.588 ml, or 4 x 7.98 fl oz).

How to lose 5kg (11 pounds) in two days?

Drink parsley tea to lose 5 Kg in just 2 days

Consider Estrogen replacement therapy HRT to maintain normal levels of estrogen and progesterone if your estrogen levels are low

Thyroid hormones and treatment of obesity [ps2id id=’thyroid-hormones’ target=’thyroid hormones’/]

How does thyroxine help you lose weight and how body temperature is affected by thyroid hormone?

Thyroid hormones Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) control metabolism and are responsible for heating the body and thus they are excellent fat burning hormones to get rid of fat deposits in the body. When body temperature falls below normal (slightly below 37° c or 98.6 °F), the thermoreceptors in the body send impulses to the hypothalamus, which sends signals to the pituitary (hypophysis) to release pituitary hormone production, resulting in increased synthesis and secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH, thyrotropin) by the pituitary. This in turn stimulates the release of thyrotropin (thyroid-stimulating hormone) from the anterior pituitary.

Thyrotropin stimulates the thyroid gland to produce T4 (thyroxine), and T3 (triiodothyronine) that are responsible for regulation of metabolism. Thyroxine stimulates both anabolic and catabolic reactions and stimulates the metabolism of almost every tissue in the body. Moreover, Increased T4 levels enhance oxidation of fatty acids in many tissues and stimulate fat mobilization, leading to increased free fatty acid (FFA) levels in total plasma.

T4 stimulates catabolic reactions to produce energy.

Approximately 60 percent of the energy released from catabolic reactions is used to maintain the body temperature and is lost as heat. The remaining 40 percent of the energy released from catabolic reactions is directly transferred to adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

What is the primary role of ATP in metabolism?

ATP is considered the major energy currency of the cell, it provides all the metabolic energy and plays an important role in the synthesis of nucleic acids (RNA synthesis). Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) can be used by the cell immediately to power metabolism and build new cellular components. This also includes repairing damaged tissue.

Energy is stored in limited quantities in the form of ATP molecules within the mitochondrial matrix in the cell (short term energy storage in cells) to fulfill future energy demands. Moreover, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) can also serve as a cellular signal that tells your cells to either burn or store nutrients (fat). If there is already plenty of ATP in the cell, the ATP tells the cell to store fat (nutrients) rather than burning it.

How to increase thyroxine levels naturally?

Most hormones are secreted on daily basis reaching a maximum secretion time at night, in the period between midnight and sunrise, at times when most people sleep, and in this resting period the body repairs itself. At day time, the hormone secretion drops to reach its minimum at evenings, and depending upon these facts, thyroid hormone is secreted normally on daily basis reaching its maximum peak in early mornings. Physiologically, thyroid hormone is secreted when the body temp becomes lower than normal or whenever the body needs energy. Early mornings are usually cold and freezing, exposing the body to cold stimulates the secretion of a boost dose of thyroxine (T4), and for this reason, most athletes, yoga gurus and martial art experts, warm up and practice early morning outdoor exercises. Normally, thyroxine (T4) is present in the body at higher levels in the morning, so it’s best to exercise in the morning because high levels of thyroxine in blood will help you lose more fat to reach your weight-loss goals, while also increasing energy, and helping athletes to relieve pain and feel refreshed after a heavy training course instead of feeling weak or broken. [4] Alternatively, iodine supplements can improve your thyroid function, which can help you lose weight

Stress and Stressors

Induced Stress or artificial imaginary stress is the body’s reaction to an artificial change that requires a physical and emotional adjustment or response, which is called general adaptation syndrome (GAS). Stress is composed of three stages (the alarm stage, the resistance stage, and the exhaustion stage), however, induced stress is composed of a single phase identical to the alarm stage. [1][2]

What is the alarm state?

The alarm state is an autonomic reaction accompanied by strong physiological and psychological arousal, which is intended for survival. During this stage adrenaline (epinephrine) is released to bring the fight or flight response in the face of stress, thus preparing the body to avoid a threat by either fleeing or fighting. During this stage our breathing quickens, our hearts pound, sweat pours over our foreheads, and we experience emotional flooding, such as anxiety, rage, terror, anger, or fright.

What are the effects and symptoms of hypersecretion of adrenaline?

Adrenaline (epinephrine) is quickly released into the bloodstream to prepare your body to spring into action in response to acute stress. Symptoms and effects of hypersecretion of adrenaline include:

  1. Jumping chest feeling (pounding sensation) due to increased heart rate or palpitations (heart rate more than 100 beats per minute)
  2. Increased blood pressure and blood flow to the heart, and reduced blood flow to periphery (skin)
  3. Rapid breathing or hyperventilation
  4. Excess sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
  5. Conversion of glycogen back to glucose (from depots) to provide energy to the muscles.

Stress and Stressors


Chess, video games, and online card games, such as holdem poker texas, are free games that a person can enjoy. Play twice a week to reduce stress, cholesterol and obesity.

Chess can teach you patience and it will motivate you to win, it stimulates players to think while they try to predict movements from opponents. It’s an ideal game to relieve stress and stress related problems including metabolic disorders, obesity, and diabetes

Dietary Guidelines [ps2id id=’dietary-guidelines’ target=’Dietary Guidelines’/]

  • Dietary Guidelines
  1. Sodium recommendations
  2. Potassium recommendations
  3. Alcohol recommendations
  4. Water recommendations
  5. Fiber rich diets
  6. General recommendations on a healthy diet
  7. Complex slimming techniques (the testosterone and probiotics relationship, or the effect of probiotics on the level of thyroid hormones)

Sodium Recommendations [ps2id id=’sodium-recommendations’ target=’sodium recommendations’/]

No need to eliminate salt entirely from your diet, but it is recommended to limit the consumption of sodium rich products, such as canned or processed foods; The ideal consumption of sodium (salt) is 3.8 g salt per day (1500 mg sodium)

Replace sodium chloride (ordinary salt) with potassium chloride, stay away from sauces or condiments that contain sodium, such as sodium glutamate, soy sauce and grilling sauces, all types of pickles, mustard, vinegar and ketchup [3]

Potassium Recommendations [ps2id id=’potassium-recommendations’ target=’potassium recommendations’/]

Potassium rich foods are highly recommended for health, potassium is found in vegetables such as: cabbage, cauliflower, coriander, artichokes, sweet potatoes, carrots, wheat sprouts, beets, beans, parsley, mushrooms, mint, garlic, potatoes, spinach and in fruits like avocado, apple, banana, mango, grapes, kiwi, dates, figs, dried fruits, guava, fruit juice; The ideal consumption of Potassium: 4700 milligrams per day [3] [ps2id id=’acohol-recommendations’ target=’acohol recommendations’/]

The ideal consumption of Alcohol is up to one serving per day for women and up to two meals for men (one serving or meal is equivalent to: 330 ml beer; 140 ml wine; 40 ml of vodka-whiskey or similar alcoholic drinks)

Water Recommendations [ps2id id=’water-recommendations’ target=’water recommendations’/]


Drink more than 2.0 liters of water a day to maintain normal blood pressure and intracellular plasmatic volume to preserve normal urinary functions and prevent edema and intracellular intoxication.

Skin cells and in order to regenerate and perform normal functions such as elasticity and immunity (external barrier) depend on blood supply and/or the volume of intracellular plasma, a decreased perfusion in any of them will result in epithelium becoming less elastic and thinner especially with a reduced blood supply

Drinking a cup of warm water in the evening, while watching TV, three times per week, will contribute to cleaning and removing the bad radicals from the intestinal tubes. [4]

Fibers and Slimming [ps2id id=’fibers’ target=’fibers’/]

How does fiber help you lose weight and How does fiber help your digestion?

Insoluble fibers are made of cellulose, a basic structural component of plant cell walls, that cannot be digested by the human body because humans lack the appropriate enzymes to breakdown the beta acetal linkages; however, being a foreign material, insoluble fibers stimulate the lining glands of the digestive tract to secrete more liquids, thus easing the passage of fecal material and speeding up the entire digestive process from eating food to elimination, leading to rapid intestinal transit. This will help you lose weight quickly. About 60% of daily calories should come from carbohydrates, 15-20% from fats and 10%-15% should come from protein. [4]

How long does it take to digest food and poop?

Digestion time varies from person to person. However, after you eat, it takes about 6-8 hours for food to pass through your stomach, duodenum and small intestine. The semifluid mass of partly digested food (Chyme) then enters your colon (large intestine) for further digestion, absorption of water and, finally, egestion or discharging undigested or waste material. In general, food takes 1 to 3 days to move through your digestive tract.

Fiber-rich foods include: vegetables and unpeeled fruit, oats and whole grains (brown rice, buckwheat, white corn)

Try to eat more than 4 servings of fruits and more than 4 servings of vegetables a day, they provide the body with potassium, magnesium, fiber and antioxidants. A diet high in sodium increases the amount of sodium excreted in the urine and reduces the absorption of sodium and magnesium, magnesium plays an important role in the lowering blood pressure by inducing the relaxation of blood vessels.

General recommendations on a healthy diet [ps2id id=’lose-weight-naturally’ target=’lose weight naturally’/]

How to lose weight naturally without exercise in a week?

Avoid all kinds of oils and margarine because they contain high calories that will help you gain weight, thereby increasing the proportion will increase the risk of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and contribute to developing high blood pressure

Add protein to your diet and drink unsweetened black coffee in the morning to speed up digestion

Get used to boiled rather than grilled rather than fried foods, or try frying foods in an allowed amount of fat (e.g. frying vegetables with one tablespoon of oil only) .

Avoid eating animal fat, that increases blood cholesterol; it’s advised to reduce eating red meat and if possible replace it with fish and/or chicken (skinless)

Avoid salty foods such as pickles, salted nuts, white bread, smoked meats, sausages and canned products such as sardines, tuna and anchovies also avoid pickled meat [6]

Eat legumes, whole grains, brown bread, rice paddies; these foods are rich in complex carbohydrates in addition to containing low-fat [5]

Drink yogurt or kefir before going to bed, it will regulate your digestion, increase breaking fats and help in bringing you fit in least time [12]

Eat fewer grains and more lettuce, green vegetables, olive oil and make sure to eat at least twice a week fish, organize the contribution of milk products to one meal per day; exclude the fat of red meat [9]

Eat foods that are low in calories, like lean meat, eggs, legumes (beans, lentils, peas and peanuts), leafy greens and salad vegetables (lettuce, cabbage, brussels sprout, cauliflower, ceylon spinach, chickweed, kale, spinach, beet greens, amaranth, salad rocket, bitterleaf, broccoli rabe, flatweed, celery, chard, chickweed, chaya, corn salad, cress, komatsuna, swiss chard, pea, tatsoi, turnip, etc.).

Decrease your daily calorie intake by 500 – 1000 so you lose 1–2 pounds (0.5–1.0 kg) a week. 1 kg of fat (two pounds) contains about 7000 calories

Cut out unhealthy, high-sugar foods like soda, cookies, syrup, and candy, as they cause a dramatic spike in blood sugar levels and can contribute to weight gain, especially that they lack nutritional value

Take a weight loss supplement with glucomannan, a natural food additive (sugar), and water-soluble dietary fiber extracted from konjac root (Amorphophallus konjac), which is used for weight loss, constipation, blood sugar control, and lowering cholesterol.

Eat four-five times a day and avoid snacking

Drink at least 2.5 liters of water a day, preferably, drink half a liter (17 fl oz) of water in the morning on an empty stomach and another 1.5 liters (50.7 fl oz) 15-30 min before lunch

Avoid processed foods and drink mint tea, anise tea, rosemary tea, parsley tea, etc.





Verified by: Dr.Diab (October 6, 2018)

Citation: Dr.Diab. (October 6, 2018). How To Lose Weight In One Month At Home Naturally?. Medcoi Journal of Medicine, 45(2). urn:medcoi:article19780.

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