Nutrition facts and Nutritional information of Bell Peppers

Nutrition facts and Nutritional information of Bell Peppers

Nutrition facts and Nutritional information of Bell Peppers (red and green)

Bell peppers (болгарский перец, сладкий перец, الفليفلة) are a cultivar group of the species Capsicum annuum (members of the nightshade family of vegetables along with tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants). Like chili peppers, cultivars of the plant produce fruits in different colors, including red, green, yellow, orange, chocolate/brown, vanilla/white, and purple.

Bell peppers (red or green) contain a variety of healthy nutrients including considerable quantities of protein, minerals and fat soluble vitamins (ADEK), as well as it contain enormous amounts of dietary fiber and chlorophyll that serves as a natural antioxidant in the body.

Bell peppers prevents of cancers, being a natural antioxidant, as well as it is a key role in maintaining:

  • A health urinary tract by increasing urine flow,
  • A healthy nervous system by strengthening the nervous impulses,
  • A healthy cardiovascular system by lowering cholesterol level
  • A healthy digestive tract, by speeding up the elimination of waste products


Red bell peppers contain several times more antioxidants than green bell peppers, including lycopene, which is a carotenoid believed to prevent prostate cancer as well as promotes the cardiovascular health.

Bell peppers are highly saturated in vitamin A, which is good for the vision, and vitamin C, which is good for the immune system, cardiovascular health and skin. They are also a good source of fiber that reduces cholesterol levels, helps in preventing cardiovascular disease, and promotes a healthy intestinal tract


For the greatest nutritional benefit, try to eat several different colors of bell peppers regularly, as they contain slightly different nutrient profiles. Avoid overcooking them, which reduces their nutritional value.


Try bell peppers fresh in a green salad, lightly sautéed in a stir-fry, or sautéed with onions and served over steak or chicken breast.

Stuffed bell peppers are also wonderful: Remove the top and seeds of about six peppers, fill with ground lean beef, rice, and sautéed garlic and onions, cover with tomato sauce, and bake until tender…

Verified by: Dr.Diab (June 28, 2017)

Citation: Dr.Diab. (June 28, 2017). Nutrition facts and Nutritional information of Bell Peppers. Medcoi Journal of Medicine, 3(2). urn:medcoi:article18247.

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