Abruptio Placentae Definition Pathogenesis and Treatment

Abruptio Placenta

Abruptio Placentae Definition Pathogenesis and Treatment


What is abruptio placenta?

Abruptio Placentae (placental abruption, преждевременная отслойка плаценты, انفصال المشيمة) is medical term used to define a premature separation of a normally implanted placenta from the uterus.

Pathogenesis and Causes

What causes placental abruption in pregnancy?

Facts about Abruptio Placentae

The cause of Abruptio Placentae is unknown, but according to doctors at Medcoi, WHO and EMC Abruptio placentae develops in about 3.5% of all pregnancies.

Placental separation can range from a few millimeters to complete detachment and such the degree of severity is confirmed by a gynecologist (ultrasound evaluation).

Risk Factors for Placental Abruption

What are the risk factors for placental abruption and who is at risk for placental abruption?

Several pathological and lifestyle factors play an important role in the etiology of placental abruption and may contribute to maternal mortality; however, in most cases, the severity of Abruptio Placenta is associated with various underlying diseases and disorders, such as hypertensive heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy and rheumatism. Moreover, Placental Abruption is more likely to develop in Female drug addicts and in pregnant women with substance use disorders, especially in pregnant women who are addicted to cocaine (cocaine addiction or cocaine dependency).


What are the different types of placental abruption?

There are two subtypes of placental abruption:

Revealed placental abruption is a gynecological term characterized by mild to severe vaginal bleeding (retroplacental haemorrhage), it accounts for 65 to 80% of cases and is considered a mild type of placental abruption.

Concealed Placental abruption is a  serious type of placental abruption, it accounts for 20 to 35% of cases. In a concealed placental abruption, blood collects between the placenta and the wall of the uterus and thus there is no visible vaginal bleeding; however, in this type of Placental abruption blood collects behind the placenta and dissects out the placenta from its bed resulting in placental separation.


What are signs of placental abruption?

Abruptio Placentae is characterized by mild to severe vaginal bleeding with a rebound vagina and abdomen, patients may feel irritated, especially when applying a pressure by hand on the lower abdomen.

Shock may develop in women with acute kidney failure (acute renal failure), or in case the woman has a preexisting preeclampsia.


How to treat placental abruption?

Classical treatment

Bedtime regimen is recommended unless there is a life-threatening bleeding, if the the baby is having normal fetal heart rate, and if pregnancy is not in its term. However, a vaginal examination is always performed if bleeding continues because the condition may get worse during pregnancy, and it can result in life threatening complications for both the mother and the baby. Moreover, if the cervix is dilated membranes should be ruptured to lessen the possibility of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

A normal fetal heart rate (FHR) of a full-term baby usually ranges from 110 to 160 beats per minute (bpm), and 120 to 160 beats per minute in the in utero period.

C-section (Caesarean sections) must be done in all hospitals when problems arise during labor and should ideally be performed as close as possible to delivery due date to avoid complications; however, an immediate C-section should be performed when it becomes clear that both the mother and the baby face an increased risk of pregnancy-related complications, it is a recommended procedure to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.

Alternative treatment

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Next steps management

How to diagnose placental abruption?

Diagnostic procedures for Abruptio Placenta include:

  1. Clinical interview
  2. Abdominal ultrasound (ultrasonography)
  3. Vaginal examination.

Verified by: Dr.Diab (November 28, 2017)

Citation: Dr.Diab. (November 28, 2017). Abruptio Placentae Definition Pathogenesis and Treatment. Medcoi Journal of Medicine, 10(2). urn:medcoi:article15548.

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